Note to Brokers:  TOC is a covenant controlled community.  All current official TOCCA Documents are listed below.  Please make sure your sellers are free and clear of any exterior or landscaping violations. Any questions Contact Us

Tilghman-On-Chesapeake Community Association (TOCCA) was formed in 2009 and was developed in three Phases, Phase I, Phase IA and Phase III which includes residents and lots located on Island Club Road, Avalon Court and Ferry Landing Road.

TOCCA II is not fully developed therefore, no Association has been formed. TOCCA II’s development is in progress as Phase I & Phase II. Phase I includes residents and lots on Spinnaker Way waterfront. Phase II includes unsold lots on Spinnaker Way non waterfront and residents and lots in Trafalgar Circle.

There are two separate assessments:
TOCCA Lot Owners pay both assessments annually
TOC Common Areas $800.00
TOC Facilities LLC $1,644.00
TOCCA II Lot Owners pay one assessment annually.
TOC Facilities LLC only $1,644.00

TOC Facilities LLC Assessment = Clubhouse, Pool & Marina (CPM) and includes: Clubhouse & Pool enjoyment for all Members. However, does not include marina slip rentals, boat or trailer storage therefore, Members pay additional fees. 

TOCCA Rules & Guidelines
Architectural Design Guidelines

Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions
HOA Resale Package click Contact Us located top or bottom right of the page
TOCCA II Rules & Guidelines

Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions

Maryland Homeowners Association Act

TOCCA & TOCCA II Building Phases
Original Architectural Lane Engineering Drawings on file with Talbot County Maryland:
TOC Phase 1 MSA C2399 9130
TOC Phase 1A MSA C2399 9125
TOC Phase 2 MSA C2399 13373 (Now TOCCA II Phase I)
TOC Phase 3 MSA C2399 9765
TOC Phase 4 MSA C2399 13745 (Now TOCCA II Phase II)
TOC Phase 5 MSA C2399 13983 (Now TOCCA II Phase II)